Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Flower Arrangement Workshop at Home Gardeners Bazaar

Flower Arrangement in A Pot

Hello there... hope everyone is doing fine today. I would like to share an interesting activity that's going to be held this coming Sunday, November 29, 2015. Please read thru the details below... 

Note from the organizer : 

Dear friends and nature lovers, The Refinery@ Sentul East Design Centre(SEED) is holding a gathering and sharing event at their courtyard at d7 specially for home gardening.

The event is to promote home gardeners to share, swap and sell their little plants suitable for home, apartment, condo or little pots for office table..to promote and encourage everyone to love our lovely little god's creation and to encourage a healthy and green environment in your homes and offices 

We welcome and hope to have participation of interested home gardeners to gather to exchange pleasantries, create a small forum, a mini potluck for any home gardening groups to meet and share updates; and share/teach a bit of knowledge about how to plant 1 or 2 types++ of plants from the experts or from seasoned home gardeners and impart their knowledge to first time gardeners and to those who are looking for tips and guides to good planting.

And with the year end merry season coming our way, it would be a great idea to get a pot or two of homegrown plants as gifts, souvenirs, decors for your homes, Christmas, Birthdays, Housewarming..etc. How about that?

Date: 29th November, 2015
Venue: Courtyard at d7, Sentul East Design Centre(SEED)
Time: 1~5pm

And little note from me :-

Basic Flower arrangement with Safinaz Yusof, floral stylist for weddings and events.
Come and join fun with her to bring out your inner creativity.

Open to all flower lovers in conjunction with Home Gardeners Event at D7, Sentul East Design Centre (SEED)

All materials are provided ..just come and enjoy yourself.

 And yes, the arrangement is to be placed in your home. 
Fee : RM50
Limited seats.

Kindly send email to safinaz.yusof@gmail.com or contact 6019-2057004 to grab your lucky seat.

 *flowers maybe not be the same as in the pic-will be upon on what available from my supplier. 

There will be bouquets on sales on that day too.

Hope to see you guys there..


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