Sunday, March 18, 2007

another TeruJa day

Hi there...
I'm feeling really good today...had a good morning..errr enuf sleep??..guess so heheheh...
@11 am both myself n Izan went to Chow Kit..jst to find candy-lolipop for her wedding favour for kids...
not really sure the exact place but like org tua selalu ckp rajin bertanya tak sesat jln, tanya la people around us...and there u go we found the candy haven hahahha...
rasa mcm nk beli jer seme2 yg kiut2 tuh...tapi tunggu la if ada coming project kan...
masa tgh "ralit" dok belek2 choc and stuff ada la sorang chinese boy ni...impress betul tgk dia...kecik2 dah pandai nk layan customer...rasanya umur dia dlm 8thn kot...
heheh...siap sound i .."..aiya tgk2 boleh tapi kene beli maaa...which one u want?...i take for you"..wah speaking london...anak sapa la nih...ler rupanya dia bukan anak owner kedai tuh...rupanya anak toke buah kat depan tuh...hahhaha...dia mmg suka dtg berani betul la budak tu...

sesambil tu i amik all the respective price yg rasanya mana yg nak...and took a few photos of the candies, sweets, chocs..etc...
jalan lagi hmmmm jumpa pulak container for cookies...there's one particular container yg really catched my attention...sungguh menarik...for my next project la tuh...

hmmm untung keluar ari nih..byk benda dpt tgk..tula nk berniaga kene rajin keluar n buat survey...lots of benda u can learn...really true....

okay...write again soon....

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