Do Your Own Fresh Flowers Hand-Tied Bouquet Workshop
Calling all flower lovers and brides to be ! ..
Are you
trying to keep wedding cost down or have you always wanted to know how to make
the beautiful bouquets featured in wedding magazines?
Come and join us this coming February 2015.
please check out Safinaz Yusof and Tap Women space for updates as we are going to conduct a collaboration project for those who want to learn and gain experience with us.
It's going to be 4
hours workshop in teaching you how to turn a simple floral design into a
beautiful a work of art or a romance to an event. I will be also going to share a few styles for the bouquet handle and tips on how to handle your bouquet .And wearing the amazing new apron from me !
Followed by another 4 hours photography class where you will learn basic photography techniques , styling , creating digital poster for social media from the talented portrait photographer Shuhada Hasim.
As much as I love flowers .. i want you guys to have the same feeling as mine.
Give me odorous at sunrise a garden of beautiful flowers where I can walk undisturbed.
-walt whitman-
i can't just ignore these cute little siblings .. i asked them to carry my bouquet!
Flowers are happy things .. lets come out and play and have fun with us.
Who should join ? :
- bouquet lovers
- bride to be
- floral entrepreneurs who appreciate stylist photos of their bouquets.
Hope its a good news to those who is interested !
Stay with us for more wait for the poster !
Signing Off,
Safinaz Yusof